: eLearning Technology
The first couple of responses to this month's LCBQ Addressing I Want it Now #LCBQ have come in and Kasper Spiro's caught my eye: On demand: agile e-Learning development #LCBQ. Like Kasper, I'm very familiar with Agile in software development. I was not as familiar with it in terms of eLearning development.
So, I wanted to pull together some reading and resources around Agile eLearning, Agile ADDIE, etc.
I found some amazing resources using eLearning Learning and via search:
What Agile Means to Me- ID Reflections ADDIE isn't Dead; it's just more Agile- Integrated Learnings The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Of Project Spaces & Project Managers- The Learning Generalist Agile instructional design- Jay Cross's Informal Learning Agility and Autonomy- Learning and Working on the Web Designing for Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog No time for design?- Making Change Agile, Lego and Training: The common factors.- ID Reflections Agile e-learning- Clive on Learning The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Agile Re-explained- The Learning Generalist I lost my agile virginity- Challenge to Learn Tackling Wicked Problems Using an Iterative Approach- ID Reflections Get Real: Mission Critical E-learning- Lars is Learning The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Why Synchronous Learning makes so much sense today- The Learning Generalist ADDIE isn't dead; how can it be?- Integrated Learnings The Agile Elearning Design Manual: Problems with existing approaches- The Learning Generalist The Agile Elearning Design Manual - Iterations huh?- The Learning Generalist Agility through collaboration- Learning and Working on the Web The Periodic Table of Agile Learning- Big Dog, Little Dog Harold JarcheView the Original article