: eLearning Technology
This month's #LCBQ is: How do you address the "I want it now!" demand from stakeholders? There are some great responses that can be found by visiting the link above.
Corny 1986 line. :)
This is a very crude self-assessment, but I believe it makes an important point.
If you are reading this, you are a knowledge worker. Consider the content (knowledge, information, learning) you personally need to get your job done. Draw a circle in each quadrant based on the amount (percentage) of the content that you need that's:
Slow changing vs. fast changing. Will the content remain roughly the same for two years? Or will it really be out of date in two years? Large audience vs. small audience. Is the content I need applicable to a relatively large audience or do I have fairly particular needs?I did a crude version of this for myself and came up with the following:
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